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Home Fitness Routine: How I Did 1,500 Push-Ups Last Month, and How To Use The Same Method For Any Exercise

Home Fitness Routine: How I Did 1,500 Push-Ups Last Month, and How To Use The Same Method For Any Exercise

Last month, I set a goal to do 1,500 push-ups, and I achieved it by breaking it down into a manageable daily routine. This method not only helped me reach my target but also established a consistent exercise habit that can be applied to various fitness goals. Here’s how I did it and how you can use the same strategy to improve your fitness routine with other exercises.

Breaking Down the Goal

1,500 push-ups in a month might sound daunting, but when you divide it into daily chunks, it becomes much more achievable. Here’s how I did it:

  • Monthly Goal: 1,500 push-ups ÷ 30 days = 50 push-ups per day.
  • Twice a Day: I split the daily goal into two sessions to avoid burnout, doing 25 push-ups in the morning and 25 in the evening.

By spreading the push-ups throughout the day, I made it easier to stick to my routine without feeling overwhelmed.

Creating a Trigger for Your Routine

Pairing your exercise with daily activities helps to establish a consistent habit. Here are some triggers you can use:

  • Morning Coffee: Finish your cup and immediately do your first set of exercises.
  • Feeding Pets: Use the time before or after feeding your animals to get in a quick workout.
  • Returning Home: Make it a rule to do a set of exercises before you settle in after coming home from work.

Tracking Your Progress

Keeping track of your progress is crucial for staying motivated. Here’s how you can do it:

  • White Erase Board: Place a white erase board in a visible location, such as your kitchen or home office. Mark off each set as you complete them. This visual cue not only reminds you to stay on track but also gives a sense of accomplishment as you see your progress.
  • Fitness Apps: Use a fitness tracking app to log your workouts. Set daily reminders to ensure you don’t miss a session.

Applying this Concept to Other Exercises and Stacking to Create Circuits

You can apply this approach to other exercises and build a well-rounded, approachable fitness routine at home. Here is an example:

JUNE GOAL: 1,500 Push-ups, 960 dumbbells rows, 960 squats, 1,920 monster walks

1. Pushups

  • Monthly Goal: 1,500 push-ups
  • Breakdown: 1,500 ÷ 30 days = 50 per day = 1 set of 12 + 1 set of 13, twice a day.
  • Use our therapy videos to keep your shoulders healthy.

2. Squat Routine

  • Monthly Goal: 960 squats.
  • Breakdown: 960 ÷ 30 days = 32 per day = 2 sets of 8 twice a day
  • Enhance your routine with our sturdy squat rack.

1. Dumbbell Rows

  • Monthly Goal: 960 dumbbell rows.
  • Breakdown: 960 ÷ 30 days = 32 per day = 2 sets of 8 twice a day.
  • Use our high-quality dumbbells for the best results.

3. Resistance Band Monster Walks

  • Monthly Goal: 1,920 banded moster walk steps.
  • Breakdown: 1,920 steps ÷ 30 days = 64 steps per day = two sets of 16 steps twice a day
  • Our versatile fitness bands are perfect for this.

- Cue to start: AM: finish coffee, PM: get home / log out from work

- Circuit: 12 pushups, 8 squats, 8 dumbbell rows, 16 monster walk steps, rest 2 minutes, 13 pushups, 8 squats, 8 dumbbell rows, 16 monster walk steps, DONE!

Doing this daily routine will get you more than 5,000 exercise reps per month!

Note: Life happens. Sometimes you get busy, or your kid gets a stomach bug and you're up all night. I found that if I missed a morning or afternoon circuit, it wasn't too bad to make it up on a Saturday and just doing three circuits!


Building a daily fitness habit doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By breaking down your goals into manageable daily tasks and pairing them with your existing routine, you can achieve impressive results. Whether you’re using dumbbells, a squat rack, or fitness bands, consistency is key. Remember to track your progress to stay motivated and on course.

Explore our range of home fitness products like dumbbells, exercise benches, squat racks, and fitness bands to support your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

By integrating these strategies, you can transform your fitness routine and make steady progress towards your goals. Happy exercising!

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